I really hate to toot our horn(not really ha!),but we have some of the raddest customers! Case in point, Carla Collins! A beautiful ,talented, Marilyn-esq comedian, that we are lucky enough to have as a regular customer! She's so awesome,when she walks into the room, the "rad-ometer" jumps to 10!!!
She has a book out, Angels, Vampires, and Douche Bags. It's about the angels that look out for us, as we make our way into the world..the vampires that bleed us,metaphorically..and the d-bags..no explanation needed! Haha! A must read! Get on that!
We're not the only ones in the know, either! One of her biggest fans (besides us) painted an amazing portrait of her! Canadian artist Celeste Keller,truly captured the essence an beauty of Carla! And the background looks suspiciously familiar! lol Yup,it's our store! Tooting our horn again! Beep! Beep! You can peep more about Celeste at http://www.celestekeller.com/ !
If you don't know about Carla Collins, get to knowing ! Check her out at http://www.carlacollins.com/