Please run out and grab this ignore the fact, they printed one page twice, an called it a day! haha! We're all burning the candle at both ends, coulda happened to the best of us. Hopefully, they'll reprint with the rest of the story, cause we loves Juliette! An if they wanna mention, that's a Petrozillian dress, we wouldn't be mad at that either! ;)
This is definitely one of those moments, that makes all our hard work worthwhile! One of our all time faves is reppin US(as in the store, not the country ha!) !!! She's sportin an original from the genius mind of our fearless leader,Nony! (woot!) Only one made in this color!
The dress looks like it was made for our fave blue haired rebel, who killed it(no pun) in Natural Born Killers, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Kalifornia, an Whip It! I mean, not a stinker in the bunch! If you haven't seen at least THESE, I don't know if we can be friends! Ha! Just kiddin...not really ;)

Right now she's promoting her new solo album, Terra Incognita.....not gonna lie, I can't wait to hear it! And she's got a couple movies comin out! One is, Due Date, from the same director as The Hangover! I'm allll over that one! Our girl's a lotta things,but borin aint one of em! Juliette Lewis is our generation's baddest bad ass, an we love her !

Right now she's promoting her new solo album, Terra Incognita.....not gonna lie, I can't wait to hear it! And she's got a couple movies comin out! One is, Due Date, from the same director as The Hangover! I'm allll over that one! Our girl's a lotta things,but borin aint one of em! Juliette Lewis is our generation's baddest bad ass, an we love her !